28 April 2012

"D for Drama"

This sketch above is no longer in existence.

25 April 2012


Wow ! All praises to Allah ! I submitted late but , 
WOW my name is on the newspaper !
It's Okay i won $10 But WOW
My name is on Newspaper.

21 April 2012


Before the Frame.

After the frame.

This is not for myself.
 This is for my cousin , her name is Huda too ;)

Happy Birthday Huda !

17 April 2012

"Beach Sketch"

Any differences ? I have no idea.
My sketch is the bottom part of each photo.

14 April 2012

"Muhd Ridwan & Marinah"

Can't wait for June. Woohoo!

10 April 2012

"My Future Handphone"


8 April 2012


The broken-hearted.
Stories untold.

7 April 2012


"Far" - a short form for Farana.

Before she leaves my house,
I managed to rush. So she took a pic of me -.-

And there ! She posted on instagram !
Wow, 22 likes on it.
Thank God it's worth the rushing.

Thanks Far. One day i'll teach you graffiti again, but with better skills ♥

3 April 2012

"Jodi Picoult Competition"

(To be frank; i unexpectedly did not know what the competition is about. It's my fault for not knowing. And actually it ain't about the birthday poster that i've planned. So the outcome is a little bit off-track.) T.T

The photo below this statement cordially belongs to Khairunnisa !
Time taken : 3-6pm = 3h

And this belongs to Huda ! 

Initially, Nisa had planned to make a portrait of this lady.
As for me, i've already planned the actual artwork. Which is, a bit unfair isn't it?
So, by right, i can see Nisa's outcome shall be fabulous but because of time constraint, she hadn't had the time to really touch up on her work. If not, her artwork will be much more marvelous.

Seriously, still, together we can improve ! It's a win-win.
Win or lose, God knows-it-all.
Thank You Nisa. For your sincere company ~